الجمعة، 18 يناير 2019

Khefren (2518-249) B.C

Khefren (2518-2492)

Khefren was the second of Kheops' children to succeed his father. He moved back to the burial site of Kheops at Giza to erect the second largest pyramid in Egypt.

 Profile of a statue of Khephren

Khefren Quick Facts

Dynasty: 4th
Predecessor: Djedefre
Successor: Bakare (?)
Highest Year: 13th Cattle Count
Reign: 2518 - 2492 BC.
Father: Kheops
Mother: Henutsen
Wives: Khamernebti I, Meresankh III
Children: Duaenre, Khamernebti II, Khenterka

, Mykerinos, Nebemakhet, Nikawre, Niuserre,
 Sekhemkare and Shepsestkau

Biography of Khefren

Khefren was the son of Kheops and Henutsen, and thus the half-brother of his predecessor, Djedefre
He was married with his (half ?) sister Khamernebti I, with whom he had a son, Mykerinos, and a daughter, Khamernebeti II. He was also married to Meresankh III, a daughter of Kawab and Hetepheres II, with whom he had at least four sons: Nebemakhet, Niuserre, Khenterka and Duaenre, and one daughter, Shepsestkau. Other sons of Khefren’s were Nikawre and Sekhemkare, but it is not known who their mothers were.

Khefren’s most famous statue represents him seated on a his throne, protected by Horus.
Khefren’s most famous statue represents him seated on a his throne, protected by Horus.
It is not known why Djedefre was succeeded by his half-brother Khefren and not by his own son, Setka. It is sometimes suggested that Khefren pushed aside Setka, but it is equally possible that at Djedefre’s death, none of his sons had survived and that Khefren was the oldest surviving male descendant of Kheops. It is, however, equally possible that our notion of a father-son succession did not fully apply to the kings of the 4th Dynasty.
Khefren's marriage to Meresankh III, a granddaughter of Kheops, is often seen as a further legitimisation of his claims to the throne. 
The Turin King-list records a rule of more than 20 years for Khefren, according to Manetho and Herodotos it was 66. The highest known recorded year for this reign is the year of the 13th cattle count. The cattle counts were biennal at least two times during the reign of Khefren, which means that this king ruled Egypt for at least 15. A reign of 26 years is generally accepted.
During Khefren’s reign, the solar-religion gained in importance. His predecessor had already added the title "Son of Re" to the royal titulary. Khefren continued this new tradition.The high quality and richness of private tombs built during his reign show that Egypt was a prospering country. 
Khefren returned to the plateau of Giza to build his funerary monument next to his father's. Although his pyramid is slightly smaller than Kheops', it was built on a higher level of the plateau, giving the impression that it is the biggest of the three. The inner structure of the pyramid of Khefren is less complex than Kheops' as well.

Khefren's Pyramid at Giza, easily recognisable by the original limestone encasing that is still present at the top.
Khefren's Pyramid at Giza, easily recognisable by the original limestone encasing that is still present at the top

The mortuary temple and the valley temple connected to Khefren's pyramid are still very well preserved. Several statues representing the king seated on a throne were found inside the Valley Temple.

A view inside Khefren's Valley Temple at Giza.
A view inside Khefren's Valley Temple at Giza.

 Khefren Statuary

 Several statues bearing Khefren's names have survived to this date. This has allowed for other, nameless statues or fragments to be identified as Khefren's based on a stylistic comparison.

Statue of Khefren and Horus

This 168cm high diorite statue, found in 1860 in the Valley Temple of Khefren's funerary complex at Giza by the French archaeologist Auguste Mariette, represents Khefren, seated on an elaborate throne. It is one of many examples of high craftsmanship from the Old Kingdom.
Khefren’s most famous statue represents him seated on a his throne, protected by the god Horus.
Khefren’s most famous statue represents him seated on a his throne, protected by the god Horus.
Even though the throne was made of one block of massive diorite, its legs are carved to resemble the paws of lions, whose heads decorate the front of the seat.
The sema-tawi symbol between the legs of Khefren's throne.
The sema-tawi symbol between the legs of Khefren's throne.
Source: Schultz - Seidl e.a., Egypte. Het land van de farao's, p. 67.
The side panels of the throne carry the so-called sema-tawi symbol: the heraldic plants of Upper and Lower Egypt tied together in a knot around a hieroglyph representing the notion 'unity'. The sema-tawi symbol thus represents the unity between Upper and Lower Egypt and would be featured on thrones of kings throughout the Ancient Egyptian history.
Seated regally on his throne, Khefren wears the nemes headdress adorned with a (damaged) uraeus  His eyes are narrow, the nose prominent and the mouth full. His round face emanates power and authority. His beard, another sign of his royalty, is chipped at the bottom.

A falcon, symbol of the god of the divine kingship, Horus, sits on the back of the throne and spreads its wings in a protective gesture around the head of the king.
The king wears a traditional skirt. His left hand is stretched out and lying on his leg. His right hand is cleched into a fist, in which he holds a cloth. His arms are very muscled and strong. His left arm and leg are slightly damaged.
This statue was found in a pit in the king's Valley Temple. It probably once stood in this temple, along with several other statues which have been found there and is likely to have served in the mortuary cult of Khefren.

Khefren on a Throne

Schist statue of Khefren on a throne.
Schist statue of Khefren on a throne.
Source: Ziegler e.a., Art Egyptien, pp. 216-217.
This schist statue of Khefren was found in 1860 in a pit inside the Valley Temple of the funerary complex of this king in Giza by French archaeologist Mariette. After Khefren's funerary cult had stopped and the complex was no longer used, many of the statues that were once the object of the cult had been thrown in this pit, there to be found by archaeologists many centuries later.
There can be no doubt about the identification of this king: his name is carved into the front of the throne, next to the his leg.

Khefren is represented wearing the nemes headdress, seated on a cube-shaped throne. His face has been executed with great attention to detail. The rounded face, narrow eyes and nose and fairly small mouth are typical of statues representing Khefren. The false beard confirms his royalty.
The king's left hand is resting on his knee, but his right hand is clenched into a fist, giving the statue an air of authority.

The left and right sides of the throne are decorated with the so-called sema-tawi symbol: the two heraldic plants of Upper and Lower Egypt, tied together around a central sign that means 'union', symbolising the unity between the two traditional parts of the country.

This statue is one of many examples of the high craftsmanship during Khefren's reign.
This statue is one of many examples of the high craftsmanship during Khefren's reign.
Source: Ziegler e.a., Art Egyptien, pp. 216-217.

Alabaster Head

Alabaster head of a king, often assumed to be Khefren.
Alabaster head of a king, often assumed to be Khefren.
Source: Ziegler, Art Egyptien, p. 219.
Although uninscribed, there are several indications that this head belonged to a statue of Khefren.
The fact alone that it comes from Giza and that it is clearly a representation of a king, would point to one of the three kings who built a pyramid there: Kheops, Khefren or Mykerinos.
A comparison with known statues of Kheops and Mykerinos immediately shows that their statues were executed in a different style than this, making it quite unlikely that the Alabaster Head belonged to either king.
Among the many remains found near that mastaba were several items inscribed with the name of Khefren. This again would point to Khefren as the king represented here.

The king is represented with narrow eyes, a narrow nose and a fairly small nose. The nose is partially damaged, and only the lobe of the king's right ear is still present. The eyebrows are clearly marked.He wears the nemes headdress, most of which has been lost. A uraeus on his brow indeed confirms his royal status, as well as the remains of a false beard.

Fragment of a Head

Fragments of the head of a statue presumed to belong to Khefren.
Fragments of the head of a statue presumed to belong to Khefren.
Source: Ziegler, Art Egyptien, p. 218.
This head has been reconstructed from 6 fragments that were found near the pyramid of Khefren at Giza. Even though it bears no inscriptions, it can safely be identified as Khefren's, based on the archeological context as well as stylistic criteria.
The shape of the eyes, nose and mouth are reminiscent of other statues of Khefren. The sculptor paid a lot of attention to detail, resulting in a very high quality statue. It is a shame that only parts of the head were recovered.

Granite Head

Granite head of a statue assumed to represent Khefren.
Granite head of a statue assumed to represent Khefren.
Source: Ziegler e.a., Art Egyptien, pp. 221-222.
This granite head of unknown provenance has been credited to Khefren due to the close resemblance of this statue's facial features t other, identified statues of the same king. The shape of the nose, mouth and face as well as the way the king's headdress, the nemes have been executed in a way that is very similar to other statues of Khefren.
It has even been suggested that this statue might originally have stood in the king's mortuary temple at Giza.

Limestone Head

Khefren Wearing the Red Crown

Titulary of Khefren

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