الأحد، 6 يناير 2019

KV A_Owner: Unknown

KV A_Owner: Unknown

General Site InformationStructure: KV A
Location:, Thebes West Bank, Thebes
Owner: Unknown
Other designations: WV A, WVA
Site type: Tomb
Description: KV A, located in the main wadi of the West Valley, is cut into the base of the cliff at the head of a water course 60 meters (197 feet) south of the entrance to KV 22. An entryway of rough steps (A) descends to a gate (B) that still retained much of its rubble blocking. The single chamber B inside the gate was partly filled with limestone chips and dirt. Numerous fragments of broken pottery vessels, some with blue painted decoration, were found in the debris. Jar sealings and dockets name Amenhetep III and give dates in his regnal years 32 and 37. Other artifacts are associated with tomb decoration, including limestone ostraca with sketches, ceramic fragments used for holding pigments, lumps of plaster, and rope.
Noteworthy features: The original blocking of gate B was found almost intact.
Axis in degrees: 222.72
Axis orientation: Southwest
Site Location
Latitude: 25.44 N
Longitude: 32.36 E
Elevation: 178.01 msl
North: 99,623.449
East: 93,564.798
JOG map reference: NG 36-10
Modern governorate: Qena (Qina)
Ancient nome: 4th Upper Egypt
Surveyed by TMP: Yes
Maximum height: 2.42 m
Mininum width: 1.71 m
Maximum width: 4.86 m
Total length: 9.64 m
Total area: 28.53 m²
Total volume: 42.14 m³
Additional Tomb Information
Owner type: Unknown, probably non-royal
Entrance location: Base of sheer cliff
Entrance type: Staircase
Interior layout: Chamber
Axis type: Straight
Categories of Objects Recovered
Scarabs and seals 
Vessel stands 
Written documents 
Site History
It is not known whether this tomb's construction was contemporary with that of KV 22 (Amenhetep III) or if it predates it. From the nature of the artifacts found in the debris, it appears to have been first used to store equipment during the construction of KV 22. Subsequently vessels belonging to Amenhetep III's burial equipment were stored here. Other artifacts belonging to the king's burial, such as part of a leather quiver, are thought to have come from debris removed from KV 22. There was no evidence from the artifacts of a burial there.
This site was used during the following period(s):
New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, Amenhetep III (or earlier)
History of Exploration
Hay, Robert (1825-1835): Visit 
Lepsius, Carl Richard (1844-1845): Excavation 
Ayrton, Edward Russell (1905): Excavation 
Chassinat, Emile (1905-1906): Excavation 
Burton, Harry (1912): Excavation 
Jones, Ernest Harold (1912): Excavation 
Waseda University (1993-1994): Excavation 
Conservation history: The remaining ancient blocking of the gate has been supplemented, following the clearance of the tomb, with additional rubble blocking.
Site condition: Much of the original blocking of the tomb remains.

Entryway A
The entrance is cut below
the cliff face to the east of KV 22
. Twelve rough steps are cut into
 the lower slope of the entryway.
Architectural Features
Cutting finished 
Width: 1.94 m 
Length: 5.08 m 
Area: 9.7 m²
Orientation: 222.72° 

Gate B
The original rubble blocking
 is still preserved in the left
 (southwest) half of the gateway.
There is some damage to
 the front edge of the soffit.
Partly excavated 
Cutting finished 
Damaged structurally 
Height: 2.42 m 
Width: 1.71 m 
Length: 0.93 m 
Area: 1.59 m²
Volume: 3.85 m³
Orientation: 0° from entryway A

Chamber B
The chamber is roughly cut,
 particularly the corners and
the rear (southwest) wall.
Cutting unfinished 
Height: 2.22 m 
Width: 4.87 m 
Length: 3.64 m 
Area: 17.25 m²
Volume: 38.3 m³
Orientation: 0° from entryway A

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