الأربعاء، 16 يناير 2019

Standing Wood Gilded Statue of Lady Tuty

 Standing Wood Gilded Statue
 of Lady Tuty
- Egypt
1390-1352 B.C
 Lady Tuty's statuette was discovered in a communal tomb at Medinet Gurob. The style of Tuty's sculpture is more traditional than a statue of Lady Mi also found at the tomb: the figure is slimmer and the fringed dress is depicted in a plainer, heavier fabric. Certain elements—such as the big gilded earrings and the faint traces of gilded sandals—associate her with the extraordinary wealth of Amunhotep's time. The cone on her head represents a type of perfumed ointment worn by wealthy Egyptians at banquets and other opulent occasions. The cone gradually melted, releasing its fragrance over the hair and clothes.

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