السبت، 2 فبراير 2019

el-Asasif ( Western Thebes )

El-Asasif is a small valley in West Thebes between Deir el-Bahari and Dra Abu el-Naga. The necropolis includes dozens of private graves and of nobles, dated to times mainly of Middle and New Kingdom, also the Late Period. Most famous are tombs of Montuemhat (TT34), the priset of Amon in times of Taharqa, tomb of Ankhhor (TT414) and of Pabasa (TT279).
South Asasif

25  - Amenemheb, High Priest of Khons, time of Ramesses II
26  - Khnumemheb, Overseer of the Treasury of the Ramesseum, time of Ramesses II
27  - Sheshonq, High Steward of the Divine Adoratrix Anknesneferibre, time of Apries and Amasis.
28  - Hori, Amun Temple Official, XX Dynasty 
29  - Pairi (Amenemopet), Governor of the Town, Vizier, time of Amenhotep II

32  - Tutmosis, High Steward of the Amun Temple, Overseer of the Granaries of Upper and Lower Egypt, time of Ramesses II
33  - Pediamenope
t, Chief Lector Priest, Late Period
34  - Mentuemhet, 4th Prophet of Amun, Mayor of Thebes, Governor of Upper Egypt, time of Taharqa and Psamtik I

          tomb of Montuemhat - entrance

35  - Bakenkhons, High Priest of Amun, time of Ramesses II.
36  - Ibi, Chief Steward of the Divine Adoratrix, time of Psametik I.
37  - Harwa, Chief Steward of the God's Wife Amenardis I, XXV Dynasty
47  - Userhet, Overseer of Private Rooms of the King, time of Amenhotep III
189 - Nakhtdjehuty, Chief of Carpenters and Goldworkers in the Amun Domain, time of Ramesses II

190 - Nesibanebdżed, Divine Father, Prophet at the Head of the King, Late Period
191 - Wehebrenebpehti, Chamberlain of the Divine Adoratrix, Director of the Festival, time of Psametik I.
192 - Kharuef (Sena, Naai), Overseer of the Estate of the Great Royal Wife Tiye, time of Amenhotep III and Akhenaten

          relief from tomb

193 - Ptahemheb, Official of the Seal in the Treasury of the Amun Domain, XIX-XX Dynasty
194 - Tutemheb, Scribe in the Temple of Amun, time of Ramesses II
195 - Bakenamon, Scribe of the Treasure of the Amun Domain, XX Dynasty
196 - Padihorresnet, Chief Steward of Amun, Late Period
197 - Padineith, Chief Steward of the God's Wife of Amun, the Divine Adoratrix Ankhnesneferibre, time of Psametik II
223 - Karakhamun, First Priest of Amun, time Shabaka-Shabataka, XXV Dynasty

          tomb of Karakhamun     dog of offering scene on the east wall of the  first pillared hall     procession of deities scene

240 - Meru, Overseer of Sealers, time of Mentuhotep-Nebhepetre
242 - Wehebre, Chamberlain of the God's Wife of Amun Ankhnesneferibra, Late Period
243 - Pemu (Pahi), Mayor of Thebes, Late Period - Saite
244 - Pakharu, Overseer of Carpenters of the Amun Domain, XX Dynasty
279 - Pabasa, Grand Chamberlain to the Nitocris, God's Wife of Amon

          pillared hall and burial shaft in the tomb of Pabasa

297 - Amenemopet (Djehutynefer, Thonefer), Scribe, Counter of Grain of Amun, Overseer of the Fields,  XVIII Dynasty  
364 - Amenemheb, Scribe of the Divine Offerings of all the Divinities of Thebes, XIX-XX Dynasty
366 - Djar, King's Guard of the Inner Palace, time of Mentuhotep-Nebhepetre
386 - Intef, Chancellor of the King of Lower Egypt, Overseer of Soldiers, Middle Kingdom  
387 - Meryptah, Royal Scribe of the Altar of the Lord of the Two Lands, time of Rameses II
388 - [unknown]
, Late Period
389 - Basa, Smati-Priest, Chamberlain of Min, Hsk-Priest, Mayor of Thebes, Late Period
390 - Irterau,
Female scribe, Chief attendant of the Divine Adoratix Nitocris, time of Psametik I
391 - Karabasken, Mayor of Thebes, Fourth Priest of Amun, time Shabaka-Shabataka, XXV Dynasty

          tomb of Karabasken     entrance to the pillared hall

404 - Akhamenerau, Chief Steward of the Divine Adoratrix, time of Amenardis I and Shepenwepet II
406 - Piay, Scribe of the Altar of the Lord of the Two Lands, XX Dynasty
407 - Bentenduanetjer, Chamberlain of the Divine Adoratrix, Late Period
408 - Bakenamon, Head of Estate-Workers of the Amun Domain, XX Dynasty
409 - Samut (Kiki), Accountant of Cattle of the Amun Domain, time of Rameses II
410 - Mutirdais, Chief Follower of the God's Priestess, Late Period
411 - Psamtiek, Late Period
412 - Kenamon, King's Scribe, time of Hatshepsut and Tuthmosis III
413 - Unasankh, Overseer of Upper Egypt, Overseer of the Double Granary, Nomarch , late Old Kingdom
414 - Ankhhor, Mayor of Memphis, Oxyrhynchus and Bahriya Oasis, High Steward of the God's Priestess,
time of Nitocris

          court of Ankhhor's tomb

415 - Amenhotep,
Chief Physician of Amen, time of Rameses III

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